
Whether you work in film, animation, photography, graphic design or any visual field your work flow is instantly enhanced which means you are able to be more engrossed in the task at hand and in turn be more inspired and productive. 

Some may say that creative professionals are just kids that never grew up and well  we like to think that’s a good thing as it is often the creatives that are behind driving technological innovations that we all get to enjoy. We know you drawn to the latest in state-of-the-art professional 'toys' like moths are to light and are eager to get your hands on anything that can help you refine or broaden your craft. 

Once you have experienced engaging with a large-format touchscreen you instantly recognise that so many aspects of your work and presentations can now be achieved in a far more elegant, intuitive and impactful way using this revolutionary hardware.

Whether you work in film, animation, photography, graphic design or any visual field your work flow is instantly enhanced which means you are able to be more engrossed in the task at hand and in turn be more inspired and productive. 

In terms of pitching, it goes without say that if there is one industry that communicating vision to potential investors, clients and stake holders is an essential part of every day life then it is the creative industry. You need to be able to draw upon the absolute best tools available to to bring your creations and ideas to life. 

With 4K models models ranging in sizes suitable for desktop work up to gigantic 84” 4K models, we are able to provide you with the best in touchscreen technology in tandem with the latest industry resolution standard.

LET US HELP You become the superstars we know you are


Advantages for Creatives

➞  Vivid images
➞  High-res video 
➞  Digital painting

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